March Recap, April Preview for Crypto is Easy

What a month . . .

Sometimes I feel like I jinxed everybody.

When I started Crypto is Easy, I did so because people kept asking me for my take on things going on in crypto. E.g., “is this a good time to buy bitcoin? What’s the best altcoin? Can you give me buy/sell alerts? How does X affect bitcoin?” and questions like that. CIE seemed like a great way to get this information out.

What happened three days after I launched?

The worst market crash possibly ever—not just in crypto, but across all asset classes—and the world on the brink of financial collapse.

Timing is everything.

Thanks for sticking with me! Here’s my update on bitcoin as of today, April 5, 2020:

Also, here’s what you missed last month and what’s on tap for April.

What You Missed Last Month

What You Can Expect in April

  1. Macro perspective of global financial crisis and what it means for bitcoin

  2. Interview with Markus Maiwald, IOP

  3. Altcoin Report #2

  4. Market updates

Lots of things to worry about right now. Bitcoin shouldn’t be one of them. Stay safe, be well, relax and enjoy the ride!


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